To learn and establish conscious ritual in our chaotic lives.
Mindful, intentional living - that is sustainable “Gentle Habits”.
We want women to connect to the place within them - From where abundance, bliss, expansion and creativity naturally flows. It's that space you need to become clear on that idea, or that dream that you know Is there but need to chase without the noise... Enabling this reconnection through conscious rituals and exploration to ensure we are all being the best versions of ourselves.
We want you to leave with a tool box of new habits and inspiration to live a conscious life that would otherwise be over grown with unconscious habits.
Meet the Conscious Ritual Retreat

YoGa vedantic praCtitioneR
◯ Dalia Gencher

Founder of Gentle Habits
◯ Sophie Marshall

Ayurvedic Nutrition
◯ Annette Robinson

◯ CASA MIO ~ Surf Hacienda

◯ A day at the Retreat
"People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits + their habits decide their futures".
- Unknown

May 26th - 29th 2023
Purchase your spot